Windsor Fees
For all service fees listed below:
Windsor Fees
For all service fees listed below:
Payment may be made by cash, cheque, or Interac e-Transfer.
Psychological services are not covered under the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP). Our services are covered in part or full by most extended health care plans (i.e., workplace and student benefits) and by several government programs, including Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, Veterans Affairs Canada, and Children’s Aid Society. For income tax purposes, psychological services may be claimed as a medical expense.
The cost of our Therapy services is either $160.00 or $180.00 per 50-minute session, depending on your clinician’s qualifications.
Psychodiagnostic Assessment
Psychodiagnostic Assessments are priced at a rate that depends on your clinician’s qualifications: from $180.00 to $210.00 per hour (or from $180.00 to $210.00 per 50-minute session for direct patient contacts and patient-related meetings). The total cost of an assessment is also dependent on the total time spent to complete it, which is variable due to our individualized approach. The fee typically ranges from $1800.00 to $4200.00 (10 to 20 hours of work). Should the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-Third Edition (MMPI-3), Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R), or Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-Second Edition (ADOS-2) be used during the course of an assessment, a material fee of $60.00, $60.00, or $100.00 (respectively) will be added.
Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to provide a more precise estimate of the overall cost up front, as the ultimate course of an assessment can only be determined based on data collected once it is already underway. We make every effort to conduct assessments in a manner that is transparent, so that pricing can be anticipated and tracked as the process unfolds.
Psychoeducational Assessment
The standard Psychoeducational Assessment package includes an initial interview, review of former reports and records, cognitive and academic testing, scoring and interpretation of assessment results, completion of a written report, a feedback session, and a material fee. The cost of this package is $2260.00.
Any further psychological service, such as a comprehensive assessment (beyond our basic screening) of ADHD, phonological processing, visual-motor integration abilities, memory, or adaptive skills is billed at the following rates: $92.00 per hour for the psychometric component of that service and $180.00 per hour for the clinical component of that service (with the exception of clinical interviews which are billed at $180.00 per 50-minute session).
Professional Consultation
The cost of these services is $210.00 per 50-minute session.